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"The truth and I will face any ten" -- Baltasar Gracian

🔗xenharmonic <xed@...>

4/13/2004 5:24:32 PM

Kurt Bigler remarks:

Message 7072 of 7075
Msg #
From: Kurt Bigler <kkb@b...>
Date: Mon Apr 12, 2004 4:07 am
Subject: Re: [metatuning] Dante Rosati tells yet another lie in

>What is your purpose?

My purpose is to apply skeptical critical thinking and the
test of reality to the claims made on the ATL.

The reaction to my persistent use of logic and facts
and my relentless demand for evidence has been hysterical
name-calling by ATL members ("you imbecile" -- Gene Ward
Smith; "you baboon" -- Dante Rosati), sadistic lies by ATL
members ("you are mentally deranged" -- Dante Rosati;
"you...hack" -- Gene Ward Smith) and vituperative
character assassination by ATL members ("everything mclaren wrong" -- Carl Lumma; "mclaren is a kook" -- David
Beardsley; "mclaren is...cognitively challenged... there was
nothing in [mclaren's] music that makes music musical" -- Jonathan

Kurt Bigler goes on to ask:
>Do you wish to discrace [sic] Dante publicly?

Dante Rosati has already disgraced himself.

>Do you do this for the sake of all of us? Do you do
>it for Dante's sake? For you own, i.e. to clear your
>own name?

I tell the truth because it's the right thing to do.

I tell the truth because I have a conscience.

When people tell lies and behave with savagely
cruel dishonesty in public, I stand up and tell the
truth that they are lying and that their behavior
is shameful -- because if there is any spark of divinity
in the human spirit, we can only find it by standing
up and speaking out for honesty and truth and common
human decency.