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optical *or* analog line input

🔗Joseph Pehrson <jpehrson@...>

9/21/2003 10:29:08 AM

I see now that the iHP-100 has *both.* I still don't have the
vaguest idea what "optical" input would be, or how one would use it.

And I'm a bit confused about "stealth..." and the mics that look like
headphones. Is this so people can go around surreptitiously
recording and sampling rock bands and such like??

I don't think this would work for closeted symphonic recordings (anti-
union). A person sitting listening to an orchestra with a pair of
headphones on would be *immediately* suspicious! :)


🔗Graham Breed <graham@...>

9/21/2003 1:59:45 PM

Joseph Pehrson wrote:

>I see now that the iHP-100 has *both.* I still don't have the >vaguest idea what "optical" input would be, or how one would use it.
> >
Mine's like that as well. The analog in is a usual mini jack (and line level what with it not having a microphone socket). The optical input is a kind of digital. It's something my soundcard can output, and I've used for recording internet broadcasts when I didn't trust a hard disc recording. So it's moderately useful if you have something with an optical output, but the restrictions on that are usually the same as USB transfers. If you can find a minidisc with optical *output* you're away -- you can make digital copies of anything you record.


🔗Carl Lumma <clumma@...>

9/21/2003 5:57:56 PM

> If you can find a minidisc with optical *output* you're away
> -- you can make digital copies of anything you record.

There have always been pro ($) decks that do this, and I'm
about to hire one to migrate all my stuff off minidisc once
and for all.
