As I watch the television and read the newspapers it seems that
things are not quite as bad as they appear to be.
Planet Earth is seemingly waking up out of the electronically
induced stupor it has been slumbering in. Apathy is aparently on
the wane. People are angry, at war with one another. Better alive
and fighting than already dead, I say.
I consider this to be more hope inspiring than an apathetic
silence impressed upon it by military threats, electronic
surveillance and drugs.
But we obviously have a long way to go if what we want is some
kind of spiritual society though.
Although people are rejecting being turned into robots, the other
option is proceeding full steam ahead. What is this scenario ?
Turn planet Earth into an archetypal Atlantis. A bit like Hawaii,
with young genetically engineered bodies, sex without
consequences [i.e pregnancy] a pleasant climate, no work and
food growing right into your mouth [ genetically engineered to do
so of course].
Sounds pretty nice to me ! Just as long as you volunteer to be
turned into a man-lizard chimera, walk about with the brain of
your recently deceased neighbour in his skull knowing that he
had a chimpanzee for a foster mother during the intra-uterine
months of his life. Or how would you like to learn that your
mother was a homosexual who wanted to bear a child. And did
just that ! All thanks to the modern medicine. There is obviously
more... Jeff Scott mentioned some of the other grisly scenarios. i
needn't go on, you all have imaginations and so do scientists,
although many also lack any responsibilty for their actions.
So there we have it. The crumbling old world order - Monotheistic
religions controlling people through fear of sex, military
complexes controlling people through fear of death and violence,
and economic organisations controlling people through the ebb
and flow of money with the threat of poverty ever near.
Who are the groups playing this losing game ? Well there are
many. The obvious ones are Islam, the Roman Catholic Church,
The United States government, and the world bank..
There are numerous factions and operatives working for both the
greater good and the control of humanity inside these groups.
The legacy of the Roman Empire dramatised recently through
the British and American Empires is particularly evident in all
these groups. The general trends are the obliteration of
indiginous cultures the desire to control the lives and fates of as
many people as possible.
Polarisation into black/white, communist/democratic,
muslim/christian etc. partison sides is a tactic used to
tremendous success. A divided planet is too busy fighting each
other to be aware that it's freedoms are being removed.
But at least we are not asleep or dead or drugged. Eventually
people will find the fighting is becoming monotonous, they will
get bored and disinterested in fighting and stop. Then people
will be content and begin to register interest in other more
constructive things. Art and music when properly used are
maps for better societies. People will jump on board and
get enthusiastic about positive actions and games where
everyone wins or else the losses are only minimal.
So what will it be ? A modern day Roman Empire with a twist of
1984 ? Or a bio-engineered Atlantean freakshow ?
Or a third option ?
So where are you now ? Are you apathetic ? Nearly dead ? Are
you numb, afraid ? Are you angry or in pain ? Or are you just
finally bored with the whole mess and ready to do your bit ?
I consider all here to be ideal citizens in a better society, any
faults we may have we can remedy. I sense that we are aware
enough for this. Use your imagination and come up with
something better !
yours sincerely,
Justin White