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Re:a message

🔗Robert Walker <robertwalker@...>

9/15/2001 7:52:06 PM

Hi Jeff,

Have you thought how these fighting words are perceived in other

Not terrorists; by innocent people.

I think even in the UK people are trembling a little at this sort
of talk, wondering where it might lead. My relatives anyway.

Sometimes there is no fighting solution to a situation.
One may then need to be very brave to accept that that
is the case, and try to find out what one can do, if

Sometimes, there is nothing one can do, and one may
need to accept that.

That is to say, maybe nothing one can do about the situation.
Those people have died, and no-one is able to bring them
back to life now, for one thing. So that is something one
needs to accept to start with.

One can do other positive things to help heal the wound
this has created. Writing music is one obvious thing for
a composer to do.

At least, that's how I see it,... Another point of
view anyway :-)
