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🔗novosonic <novosonic@...> <novosonic@...>

12/17/2002 9:59:05 PM

gee, i remember, that is that african
country the peaceful christains in d.c.
started assasinating all those nasty
commie leaders way back in the 50's and 60's.

and regular incursions since then.

hey, that's freedom, democracy and
the american (er) wall street way.
and, of course, the facts aren't
in the puppet press because of
"national security concerns."

do you really still wonder why
'yellow yankee pig' is hated in
more and more locals...

🔗novosonic <novosonic@...> <novosonic@...>

12/18/2002 2:16:23 PM

> > 'yellow yankee pig'
> It's always interesting what passes for bigoted.
> And what doesn't.

thank you jeff,

not that i am much for the pro/con of anything.
however, in my own way i have been trying to
warn off folk from 'we're right there're wrong'
sort of thinking.

as there are always two sides to an argument,
there is only one relationship between any
individual and the 'source', 'great spirit',
god or all good', etc. in my 'racial group'
it is 'wonton', perhaps 'creator or destroyer'
depending on your outlook...

anyway, in my own life i have come to learn
that it is never possible to fully understand
why another makes a certain choice. and so i
tend to the 'log' in my own eye rather than
complaining about the 'splinter' in my brother's

not that i drink and rant on occasion!!!

luv and peace, buzzy^