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possession of more than 6 male members is illegal in texas

🔗X. J. Scott <xjscott@...>

11/23/2002 8:54:28 PM

Man, Texas is such a freaking police state; maybe even worse than Singapore.

This does not seem like good news -- illegal for a woman to have too many
latex accessories? Why shouldn't that be her own business.

Amazing that it is OK to get as many abortions as you like in Texas but too
many latex bedroom toys are illegal!


11-21, local: Police find 17 sex toys in local woman's car during DUI
traffic stop


WHITE OAK ‹ A Longview woman who sells sex toys has been charged with felony
obscenity after White Oak police found some of her wares in her car during a
traffic stop

The arrest report describes the 17 items as "obscene materials and obscene
devices," but Police Chief Charlie Smith said the items were mostly lotions
and objects defined in a dictionary as having the shape and often the
appearance of the male genitalia, used in sexual stimulation.

How illegal is that? Prosecutors will have to decide when White Oak
investigators forward their findings to the district attorney's office
sometime in the next week, Smith said.

"We'll see what they do with it," Smith said.

Kathleen Elizabeth "Kathy" Grubbs, a distributor for the national company
Slumber Parties Inc., calls the charge, which carries a maximum penalty of
two years in jail, "kind of ridiculous."

State law appears a little less forgiving: It's illegal to "wholesale
promote" obscene materials or devices. Texas statute says an obscene device
is a simulated sexual organ or an item designed or marketed as useful
primarily for the stimulation of human genital organs. The law allows
investigators to assume that anyone with six or more of the items is
intending to promote them.

In April, Kilgore police raided the Adult Book Store/Video Store at 1907
Industrial Blvd., seizing 12 large trash bags full of devices police said
were being sold illegally. The raid came after an undercover officer visited
the shop twice before the raid, making at least one purchase. An 11-page
inventory compiled by police estimated the materials were worth $19,082. The
sexual devices on the 11-page inventory ranged in price from a "Climax Band"
that sold for $5.95 to a "Wild and Crazy Tickler" for $11.95; a "Hyper Sonic
G" for $69.95; a "Plush Playmate" for $89.95; and a "Cyber Sexploration Kit"
for $44.95.

The store owner, Robert Duggan III, was never arrested, but he agreed to
plead guilty to a misdemeanor count of obscene display, a charge equivalent
to a traffic ticket, and agreed to pay a fine and let police destroy the

Grubbs, 47, said she has been selling the items for about two months as a
distributor for Slumber Parties Inc., a national sex toy party business that
operates out of Ohio and Louisiana.

Slumber Parties is where the Tupperware party meets Victoria's Secret, the
company says on its Web site. The distributors host women-only parties in
private homes to show off their merchandise. Grubbs stresses the parties are
only for adults, meaning no one allowed under age 18, and men are definitely

"Believe it or not, there's a lot of women who go to these parties," Grubbs
said. "It's very popular."

Company officials did not return a call Wednesday, but Slumber Parties
claims its network of distributors sold $15 million in "romance-enriching"
products, including lotions, powders, lingerie and private bedroom
accessories, with prices ranging from $2.50 to $139. Sales this year are
expected to reach $20 million.

The seizure of the items occured during a traffic stop on Texas 42 on Old
Highway 80 in White Oak at 10:27 p.m. Monday. Police stopped Grubbs' truck
after seeing her driving erratically, an arrest report said. She failed or
refused to perform field sobriety tests and was charged with driving while
intoxicated, and a breath test showed she had blood-alcohol levels of 0.228
percent and 0.22 percent, the report said.

Police searching her truck after the arrest found the box of erotic items.
The White Oak police chief said investigators are used to finding drugs and
guns, but sex toys are the first in his 22 years of experience.

"There's no telling what you'll find on one of these stops," Smith said.

🔗X. J. Scott <xjscott@...>

11/23/2002 9:08:28 PM

> Texas statute says an obscene device
> is a simulated sexual organ or an item designed or marketed as useful
> primarily for the stimulation of human genital organs. The law allows
> investigators to assume that anyone with six or more of the items is
> intending to promote them.

OK, so what it comes down to is that if you've got:

1 a tube of KY jelly
2 a bottle of viagra
3 a latex ring
4 a latex member
5 a bottle of strawberry scented lotion and
6 a Victoria's Secret underwear catalog

You are guilty of a felony in Texas and are going to prison for two years!

Waybe they should just go ahead and institute Sharia law in Texas while
they're at it -- might be less restrictive.

- Jeff