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no more next time!

🔗D.Stearns <STEARNS@...>

3/8/2002 10:24:21 PM

Should anyone be interested, there are two new pieces, "No More Next
Time" and "Debra Ann", up here--just click the mp3 audio link and
scroll down, my stuff is at the very bottom of that ampcast page:

These pieces are taken from an early '90s session with Bronx, NY
drummer Michael Seda--Mike, incidentally, was all of 15-years-old at
the time.

I was playing a lot of bass back then and I wanted to start a high
energy trio around that sound... one that would hopefully fall
somewhere between say Hendrix and Ornette. As it turned out, Mike was
just the guy I was looking for to get it up and rolling... oh, the
wonders of youth!

take care,

--Dan Stearns