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Cakewalk Group Buy for z3ta+

🔗Joseph Pehrson <jpehrson@...>

7/23/2005 8:12:17 AM

Cakewalk is offering a "Group Buy" for the z3ta+ synth. It works
like this: people buy the synth now for $149 and if enough people
buy it, that's it. Otherwise, you get billed a little more later,
depending on how many units are sold.

It doesn't do much for *me,* personally, since I paid close to $200
for it, but maybe for somebody else, if enough people do it.

I have to say, though, it is the most revolutionary tool I have ever
experienced in making electronic music, 'way back to my initial
forays in around 1970 or so... certainly a real revolution in
microtonal music... (especially when used with Sonar)

Group Buy page

Joseph Pehrson