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Out there, on the net...

🔗Jonathan M. Szanto <JSZANTO@...>

3/9/2005 9:59:39 AM


Two items of interest yesterday on Kyle Gann's excellent blog, PostClassic

1. Serious competition for "Iron Man" Prent Rodgers, who was extolling everyone to make music everyday - John Maxwell Hobbs apparently is doing this, and podcasting as well. Check his site, Cinema Volta, at And, yes, there is microtonal stuff there!

2. Props to David Beardsley, who gets mentioned in worthy company as one of the Downtown composers working to change the (musical) world in their own way...


🔗David Beardsley <db@...>

3/9/2005 10:36:15 AM

Jonathan M. Szanto wrote:

>Two items of interest yesterday on Kyle Gann's excellent blog, PostClassic
>1. Serious competition for "Iron Man" Prent Rodgers, who was extolling >everyone to make music everyday - John Maxwell Hobbs apparently is doing >this, and podcasting as well. Check his site, Cinema Volta, at > And, yes, there is microtonal stuff there!
>2. Props to David Beardsley, who gets mentioned in worthy company as one of >the Downtown composers working to change the (musical) world in their own >way...
Thanks Jon! I try to check his blog every few days. Heavy duty company!

* David Beardsley
* microtonal guitar