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thread titles--Grrrrr

🔗Aaron K. Johnson <akjmicro@...>

2/3/2005 9:14:23 PM

Hey, do you think we can actually get away from just hitting reply and keeping
a subject heading while the subject actually morphs away from 22-tet
keyboards, and mix it up a little bit with subject headings? Can we put some
interest and seduction back into the craft of penning appropriate titles?

There may be interesting things to read in one particular thread, but I'm
starting to ignore the 'The last 22-kbd design is up :-/" thread because I'm
getting cross-eyed seeing it.

Aaron Krister Johnson

🔗Jonathan M. Szanto <JSZANTO@...>

2/3/2005 11:12:45 PM


{you wrote...}

I've already done a 'mea culpa' off-list with one person, so here's my public one.
