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Cantor/Csound/ogg/Gordon/22tetKeyboard/Mahler/Stats Update

🔗Stevie Hryciw <codroid@...>

1/4/2005 9:40:57 PM

Hello, everyone. I have some questions and comments.


Hey, that cantor program seems pretty cool for making German-style
techno (which I can dig)! But I think that it might sound a little
better if I just used the Macintosh voice program from my old Quadra
610 and performed pitch-shift on it. It would also be 350 euro
(But that phoneme editor looks sweeeet...)


A question about CSOUND:
Can anyone gimme the basics? ie, Do I need to already have a C
compiler etc. before being able to use it? Would it work for Macs? Is
it all free? I'm just getting into programming again, and I love it.
Well, that was more like four questions.


What makes .ogg unique? I'm having some trouble downloading .ogg files
for some reason. I get an error message that the file is corrupted.



Your knowledge of your field is extensive, and your experience is
undisputable (_not_ that I was trying to dispute). Your arguments
prove very convincing, especially through your references.

Just from reading your posts it is clear that the general keyboard has
huge potential and would be a fast learn.

Because of this and much, much more, I am certain that I will try the
hex-style keyboard at some point. Perhaps I will like it so much I
will convert full-time to it. But that is yet to be fully determined.
I'm still young (and foolish) and I've got so much to learn. Even
though -- no, ESPECIALLY since I am just starting to touch this field
of music, I am trying to maintain my adventursome spirit --- I am a
guy who likes to design, build, try, fail, and experience the whole
creation process step by step for some projects. Only when I do that
for the first time do I feel I have the tools to advance (whether or
not it's true), and an inspirational base on which to build.

A lot of this probably doesn't make much sense ... I'm not as eloquent
as many on this forum. Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I
don't at all judge the accuracy of your statements, nor your personal
experience -- those are obviously strong. And I would love to give the
general keyboard a spin, many spins. In time. But my heart is pulling
me along a different path (gag me with a metaphor), and so is
Igliason's (he is a VERY different person from most).

Point is, we're going to try out KB#2 first. I'm a slow-moving person,
and I'm not concerned if I waste a few months (or even a couple of
years) on a project I'm passionate about. As long as it will give me
microtones and I build it, I will like it.

-Please, post as many links as you find suitable to recordings of your
compositions & performances, images of your instruments, and anything
else that can demonstrate the points you make, so that I and everyone
else on the forum can appreciate them. Thanks.


You said,
"The neutral is not the purist thing, it is the emptiest thing."
Does that include the neutral second and third intervals?
Ha ha ha. *smack*

(Also, you mentioned that there was just too much good stuff on TV as
reason for Americans not getting out and seeking good culture. Which
channels? Can you recommend any good shows? I still get cable for now!
Ha ha again.)


Christopher Bailey:
Well, I didn't shit a brick at that Mahler album, but that's only
because I haven't eaten one lately. I think that I may have, though...
Anyone who didn't yet, I highly suggest checking it out>>>>


Statistics update: Accordion Wars
Number of posts replied to my original message "MIDI links, creating a
microtonal keyboard, new soundclick profile":
28 and counting
Posts related to original topic
2 of 28
Alright! Keep RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:REing!
But anyway, that's how topics evolve. We humans are so weird and


*I understand if this post makes me widely unpopular on this forum. I
sincerely apologize to anyone who finds dumb humor offensive, or
anyone who is German or likes German techno and was offended.*

🔗Dave Seidel <dave@...>

1/5/2005 6:07:15 AM

Hi Stevie,

Csound is completely free (as in both speech and beer). You do *not* need a C compiler unless you want to extend it or fix something. Yes, it is available for Mac (as well as Windows, Linux, maybe others). Go to for more info, links, community, etc.

- Dave

Dave Seidel

Stevie Hryciw wrote:
> A question about CSOUND:
> Can anyone gimme the basics? ie, Do I need to already have a C
> compiler etc. before being able to use it? Would it work for Macs? Is
> it all free? I'm just getting into programming again, and I love it.

🔗Chris & Melissa Bryan <melandchris@...>

1/5/2005 8:38:39 AM

> A question about CSOUND:
> Can anyone gimme the basics? ie, Do I need to already have a C
> compiler etc. before being able to use it? Would it work for Macs? Is
> it all free? I'm just getting into programming again, and I love it.
> Well, that was more like four questions.

Well, I've realized that by responding to the digest, I might be
behind the wave. Nevertheless...

You do not need anything except MacCsound ( ). Yes, it is 100% free, although he
accepts donations. I'm sure there are many excellent tutorials on the
web. Have fun! You won't find an easier language for microtuning.

In case you're interested, Supercollider is another excellent
language, although I don't know it very well. It's syntax is much
closer to a language like c++ or java. It's also free and mac, and
it's at ( )

Good luck!


🔗Stevie Hryciw <codroid@...>

1/5/2005 10:39:42 PM

Thanks, Chris & Dave! I'll get started right away. Now I just need my
own computer and I'll be set...

> You do not need anything except MacCsound (
> ). Yes, it is 100% free, although he
> accepts donations. I'm sure there are many excellent tutorials on the
> web. Have fun! You won't find an easier language for microtuning.
> In case you're interested, Supercollider is another excellent
> language, although I don't know it very well. It's syntax is much
> closer to a language like c++ or java. It's also free and mac, and
> it's at ( )
> Good luck!
> -Chris