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Re: Essential Reality P5 glove

🔗Robert Walker <robertwalker@...>

9/28/2004 5:21:52 PM

Hi Andy,

> That might work. Check out "absolute mode" on the P5 group. That's
> what will need to be used. Don't use the Essential Reality SDK for
> absolute mode, though. It says it works in the SDK docs but it
> really doesn't. Only relative mode works (similar to mouse input).

Rightio, thanks. Though I'm not sure I understand the distinction between
relative and absolute mode here yet. With the mouse, you can lift the mouse
off the pad and place it back again somewhere else, so you lose
the record of where it was before, so it has to be relative.

But I don't yet understand how you can you lose the absolute position of
the glove as it seems there is nowhere else to move it to. Must be
missing something there.

> As I'm thinking more on this, you probably wouldn't want to limit it
> to just a single flat surface. You could stack virtual surfaces and
> just play in the air since it's all on screen. That would be cool!

Yes, it would be great! I can think of many possibilities here
such as lattices, 3D theremin, split keys etc.

> As far as languages go, I use C++ due to it's massive use in the SDKs
> I'm linked to. I like the purity of C but love the reusability /
> encapsulation of C++! It fits my programming style really well, too,
> but that might be because it's what I've groaned used to.

Yes, I can understand that.

Yes, you can do most of the basic SDK stuff using C only,
but one or two things require C++ - the main thing I use
it for is making desktop shortcuts, for some reason not
supported in pure C in the SDK. Some other things can
be done in C but are far more complex, e.g. tool tips.
I do those in pure C but that part of my programs
took me a fair number of weeks to write and debug
before I had it all figured out!

Who knows, maybe if tings had gone differently at some poitn in the past
I too might have got used to C++ and come to prefer
coding in it too.
