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Re: [MMM] Digest Number 967

🔗Christopher Bailey <chris@...>

9/4/2004 11:02:20 AM

> From: "Jonathan M. Szanto" <JSZANTO@...>
> Subject: Re: Towelbear -- in 11 Equal
> Getting pretty serious - I smell a suite. I love in this one how you stay
> with one 'instrument', but find so many ways to nuance the
> performance/construction.

Thanks. Like "Mr Python", I desgined my own tools to do microtonal MIDI
stuff, and they include commands that are simple to write, but then
execute complex expression/vibrato/tremolo curves over MIDI notes. OR
Crescendi, hairpins, etc. And every note is panned differently.

I've posted this before, but:
them's the tools.

> Damn it, do something non-ET! :)

Well, this is old, but here's what I wrote in memoriam Lou Harrison:

Based on Chalmer's tetrachordal stuff.

I also have a big project on the horizon with JJI . .but that's . .on the
horizon . . .

🔗Jonathan M. Szanto <JSZANTO@...>

9/4/2004 12:10:49 PM


{you wrote...}
>Thanks. Like "Mr Python", I desgined my own tools to do microtonal MIDI >stuff, and they include commands that are simple to write, but then >execute complex expression/vibrato/tremolo curves over MIDI notes. OR >Crescendi, hairpins, etc. And every note is panned differently.

Yep. Even though the control is impressive, I find it at least as impressive that you 'score it out' first, rather than transliterating a midi improv/mock-up. But, then again, that is what we should expect from a Composer! :)

>I've posted this before, but:
>them's the tools.

One day I'll try using the tool. Would it be possible for you to collate the tutorial pages into just one .html page, either for downloading or "saving as"? I'd like to take a close enough look to see if I could use another language to translate a textfile version of midi into your score format.

>Well, this is old, but here's what I wrote in memoriam Lou Harrison:

Yes, I like that one, and the suggestion was definitely tongue-in-cheek.

>I also have a big project on the horizon with JJI . .but that's . .on the
>horizon . . .

Bigger than "Sand"? That could be a while. BTW, nice site for you electronic collective...


🔗Gene Ward Smith <gwsmith@...>

9/11/2004 4:38:05 PM

--- In, Christopher Bailey <chris@m...>

> I also have a big project on the horizon with JJI . .but that's .
.on the
> horizon . . .

And JJI is?