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question for Jacky


8/24/2001 12:32:15 PM

I guess the one question I have for Jacky regarding his recent short
piece in the Blackjack tuning, is the approach, specifically, toward
harmony in it...

There wasn't a lot. That's not a criticism... it's just that the
piece wasn't specifically about harmony, but more about
melodic "jamming" and contrast of rather fast elements.

The question I had for Jacky was whether there was something inherent
in the Blackjack scale that made him go in that direction, or whether
it was just the "mood" of the time. Of course, Blackjack has been
*designed* to particularly emphasize a harmonic approach through its
many "near just" harmonies.

Was there any reason for not going in as harmonic a direction as I
generally perceive in many Ligon works?? Was there anything about
the Blackjack scale that did that... or only happenstance of this
particular piece??

Thanks, Jacky, for any response...

__________ ________ ______
Joseph Pehrson