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Re: [MMM] Microtuning with Infinity


8/22/2001 7:20:50 AM


>You can provide 128 frequency values, one for each MIDI note. Or you
>can specify an octave and provide 12 note values and the object will
>automatically generate the values for the other octaves.

Is the cps-table that the SEND/CPS command generates usable for this?
Or is the file format different? Or can these values be read from a
file at all? To see how it looks just do:
eq 12
send/cps try.cps



8/22/2001 8:52:29 AM

--- In MakeMicroMusic@y..., <> wrote:
> Joseph,
> >You can provide 128 frequency values, one for each MIDI note. Or
> >can specify an octave and provide 12 note values and the object
> >automatically generate the values for the other octaves.
> Is the cps-table that the SEND/CPS command generates usable for
> Or is the file format different? Or can these values be read from a
> file at all? To see how it looks just do:
> eq 12
> send/cps try.cps
> Manuel

Hi Manuel!

It would be really, really great if Infinity worked with SCALA. I
will try your suggestion when I get the software. The developers
seem quite eager to get it to do "everything" (hence, "Infinity" :) )
so we can post information over on their Yahoo forum. I will be
further in touch with you on this, and you may eventually want to get
in touch with the SoundQuest people, too...

