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Microtonal Midi

🔗Mark Gould <mark.gould@...>

5/6/2004 1:03:19 PM


thank you Margo, for your appreciation of a very small idea. I feel quite humbled to think that anyone would be inspired by what I have to say.

Hi all,

I've put some midi files on my website, below are the addresses

there is a caveat - Quicktime makes a mess of them as they use pitch-bends, so please use another synth that can respond to program changes quickly. They are all in 19EDO using the 11 from 19 scale. They are quite old now, but I'd be interested in anyone's opinion. I have them as Sibelius files if anyone has sib 3 out there.


PS I shall be creating something in 25EDo when I get the time, soon.


🔗Gene Ward Smith <gwsmith@...>

5/6/2004 7:41:31 PM

--- In, Mark Gould <mark.gould@a...>

> there is a caveat - Quicktime makes a mess of them as they use
> pitch-bends, so please use another synth that can respond to
> changes quickly. They are all in 19EDO using the 11 from 19 scale.

I don't know what scale you refer to, but I like this. As I do
sometimes with midi music, I've done my own rendering to wav; I think
the results are worthwhile. If you give me permission, I'll put up
ogg files on my website; if Margo gives hers, I'll do the same with

🔗microtonalist <mark.gould@...>

5/7/2004 12:14:59 AM

I don't mind anyone making versions of my midi, but please give me a
credit - I work very hard to write what few notes of inspiration come
my way. I am a *very very* /slow/ composer.

The scale is listed as the Gould.scl file, but in mod19 pcs:

0 2 4 5 7 9 11 12 14 16 18 (0

Which shows the same key-circle relationships as our mor familiar
circle of 12. Transpose upward by 7 steps to arrive at the 11/19
7 9 11 12 14 16 18 0 2 4 6 (7

Harmonically, it can be described using a lattice of 3 by 4:
14 18
7 11
0 4
12 16
5 9

(sorry to let theory intrude, but I need this to describe how I made
this micro music)

The Lento is in the 'minor mode'. The Scherzo and LastMvt include
some chromaticism, and they all engage in limited modulation schemes.


🔗Gene Ward Smith <gwsmith@...>

5/7/2004 1:46:51 AM

--- In, "microtonalist"
<mark.gould@a...> wrote:
> I don't mind anyone making versions of my midi, but please give me
> credit - I work very hard to write what few notes of inspiration
> my way. I am a *very very* /slow/ composer.

Of course I would do that.

> The scale is listed as the Gould.scl file, but in mod19 pcs:
> 0 2 4 5 7 9 11 12 14 16 18 (0

Interesting; this is a MOS scale with generator 7/19, which
generates the 19-et version of a temperament we've been calling
"semisixths". This means it would probably be easy to convert your
19-et piece into a 46-et piece with generator 17/46 and thereby
render the tuning closer to just; how well that works likely depends
on whether you make essential use of 875/864.

🔗Christopher Bailey <chris@...>

5/7/2004 12:03:45 PM

I don't have any Quicktime Problems here.

In fact, I'd like to think that these pieces are well "orchestrated for
QuickTime". I.e. I don't listen to them and think, "Gee, this would
sound cool if it were on a REAL instrument." Instead, I just think, "Gee,
this sounds cool." So congratulations, you've successfully composed FOR
QuickTime, as its own instrument. . . .not an easy task to complete

The perceptual/psychoacoustic "streaming" games you play in #1 are great.