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Amazing Fallen Angel


8/11/2001 9:07:50 PM

Hi Jon

I'm not exactly in the loop with all the tuning lists , and just got
a chance to listen to your Fallen Angel. I love the way it flows.
What kind of dance performance was given with it? Sounds like you
were having a good time, which is a quality I always enjoy in music.

I also don't think I've ever publicly told you what an incredible job
you have done with the Partch web site. It is just gorgeous by all
design standards.

And thank you for keeping this list gently focused.


PS. Hi Margo. I missed you, and glad to hear your server problems
are fixed.

🔗Jon Szanto <JSZANTO@...>

8/11/2001 11:46:25 PM

Hello Mary!

--- In MakeMicroMusic@y..., nanom3@h... wrote:
> I'm not exactly in the loop with all the tuning lists , and just
> got a chance to listen to your Fallen Angel. I love the way it
> flows. What kind of dance performance was given with it?

Thanks for the nice comments. As I mentioned, this is just one short
section of a 12:20 piece for choreographer Patricia Sandback and
company. Pat and I collaborated on a number of dances, in differing
ways. More often then not, she got an entire vocabulary of moves and
sections of pieces, done to set counts and tempos. I would be faced
with the task of "here is what it looks like, and this is the mood;
I've got 43 measures of 5/4, and then a faster tempo in 3, and then
about 2 minutes of 7 count bars..."

Yes, it could be a real chanllenge. Sometimes she just worked with a
metronome, so I had to come up with suitable music AT a particular
tempo. And the dancers complained when it varied!

I'll find a way to put the entire thing up, somewhere, but until then
I may find some other sections of pieces from these eras that might
be of interest. Meanwhile, I have to try and revamp a dance piece I
did for a commission earlier this year, and it isn't going to be easy!

> I also don't think I've ever publicly told you what an incredible
> job you have done with the Partch web site. It is just gorgeous by
> all design standards.

Off topic! Off topic! You are banished!!! (just kidding)

Well, thanks again for the nice comments, especially in view of the
fact it is WAY overdue for new material and an updating. Time, I must
find time...

> And thank you for keeping this list gently focused.

Easy to do when dealing with well-behaved adults! I just think people
have found a bit of a haven, which *does* make me smile. Hope you'll
be around more often, too!

Long night, must retire,