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Flash Madrigali di Robert Ross

🔗fforbesuk <fforbesuk@...>

3/13/2004 9:28:54 AM

As someone who reads this forum,i'd like to present my website.

The site works as a download station and is viewed in flash,so a
browser plugin will be required.The presentation of motion pictures
and music is by standalone flash projectors,which require no plugins
merely a 300Mhz plus computer(i would guess).Works with my 275Mhz
Mac.OS X runs in classic mode.

Before you think this is off topic,this method of presentation is used
to workround the fact that even broadband would have problems
streaming 128k mp3s with good timing against the visual content.

enough of the logistics....

The madrigals are short narrated songs in which the music and visual
content are both part of the composition.The music is in 19-tet.

The music featured was played on cymbals and two analogue synths:
1.Marion Prosynth:
which proved intuitive for string and brass sounds and can easily be
retuned to any temperament by the inbuilt software.I decided to start
Book 1 with 19/oct but will certainly work into various other equal
temperaments in the future.
2.Arp Odyssey:
which is actually concerned with my only previous post(5520).In the
end i bought and installed a Midijack,after consulting the
manufacturer.So for Mr.Loffink(5521),i can report that yes it is
possible to play analogue synths via midi in other equal tempered
scales.One holds down the octave space required on the controller
keyboard and uses the trimpot to tune the synth to an octave.This
worked to 19,further up i haven't tried and i see no problem with
achieving 10/oct.This would seem possible on the Philip Rees MCV and
any other trimpot system.The larger the octave span,the larger the
potential difference used per octave so a correspondingly smaller
keyboard range results.Having the Odyssey under midi note control is
most enjoyable.

I'll reply to any technical questions here rather than through the
