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Re: Brian McLaren


2/27/2004 9:12:43 AM

re: Brian McLaren" album (at least FIVE volumes) and a "240 piano
>pieces." Is this guy for real? Where is he and where is his music?

::peeks out of bunker ;) :: Yepyep, he is all too real, hehe... And one
of my early on-line (via John Chalmers) music-theory-chatter "teachers"...

One of my more respectable nicknames for him is "Mad Brainie" ... or jus'
"Brainie"... (OOOH, Don't eveeeen call me or Chalmers "Pinkie" tho' ;)

I have a small collection of materials (audio & printed) he has sent me
over the past years. ::hugs them thingies a la Kiki the Ferret @ Small shiney shiney treasures, I tell ya, I am so so lucky... Most
CopyLefted and "hand-crafted" and signed...

Hanuman "Stitch" Zhang, musical mad scientist: "Na, I don't wanna take over
the world, just the sound spectrum." <A HREF="">

"When you're trying to do something you should feel absolutely alone, like a
spark in the blackness of the universe."-Xenakis

"May the great constellation of flickering ashes be heard..." - Noel Scott