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Another new piece

🔗Jonathan M. Szanto <JSZANTO@...>

9/11/2003 8:20:22 PM

Wanted to share this in case some of you not on the ATL didn't see it (I have permission to post from the composer):


[akj] I'd love your feedback on my new work 'The Juggler', available as an mp3 file from:

It's a 19-tet composition. While you at it, check out a couple of other xentonal works on the same site from this page:

(You can contact Aaron on his site, since he isn't a member here...)


Also, I asked him how he went about composing/producing the piece, and got a pretty surprising answer:

"My equipment was my Korg X5DR module, and two of my own Python scripts, one for translating a notational ascii representation of the 'score' to a midi file, the other script is a homegrown midi-file player."

So many ways to get it done...
