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Re: [MMM] Trial version of Scala

🔗Jonathan M. Szanto <JSZANTO@...>

8/3/2003 8:45:23 AM


{you wrote...}
>Here's an unstable beta version of Scala with a new version of the >graphical user interface modules. ...

Do you have this latest version up on *your* site anywhere? Yahoo Groups reports that tuning_files has exceeded it's 'download limit' so I can't get it from there. And while you say it isn't buggy, is it safe to test on a newly set up system? I've just put together a dedicated music computer, but want to only place stable things on it for now to make sure any problems are easy to track down, and not an anomaly from a software app.


🔗Manuel Op de Coul <>

8/3/2003 2:00:47 PM


>Do you have this latest version up on *your* site anywhere?

No, the filespace there is rather short.

> And while you say it isn't buggy, is it safe to test on a
>newly set up system?

That is safe, but it contains a number of regressions which
may or may not bother you. If you're unsure it's best to take
the older stable version.



🔗Jonathan M. Szanto <JSZANTO@...>

8/3/2003 3:05:22 PM


{you wrote...}
> >Do you have this latest version up on *your* site anywhere?
>No, the filespace there is rather short.

I see. I don't know who the moderator of tuning_files is, but either they need to remove some files or people have been downloading a lot - when I tried to dl the new Scala, Yahoo refused.

>That is safe, but it contains a number of regressions which may or may not >bother you. If you're unsure it's best to take the older stable version.

Maybe I'll just put up the old version for real use and try the new one on my old, non-(mostly)-music computer.

BTW, is there any possibility you could summarize the tuning usage, as *you* understand it, for the various NI products? If not, or if it is too much trouble, no problem. It is just that I've installed 4 different NI products to demo (Kontakt, FM7, Absynth, and Pro53) and it seems that they all have differing amounts and methods by which they support microtuning.

I may still pick one (probably Kontakt, as I am going to need a sampler), but it definitely looks like I'm going to go with the z3ta+, with it's complete support of .scl files.


🔗Carl Lumma <ekin@...>

8/3/2003 9:03:23 PM

>>Do you have this latest version up on *your* site anywhere?
>No, the filespace there is rather short.

Manuel, you're welcome to put it in "pub" at
(anonymous). I can move it to whatever path you want.


🔗Manuel Op de Coul <>

8/4/2003 7:37:30 AM

>BTW, is there any possibility you could summarize the tuning usage, as
>*you* understand it, for the various NI products? If not, or if it is too

>much trouble, no problem. It is just that I've installed 4 different NI
>products to demo (Kontakt, FM7, Absynth, and Pro53) and it seems that
>all have differing amounts and methods by which they support microtuning.

I'm not following it very closely, but FM7 and Pro-52 support the
MTS bulk dump. NI seems committed to the midi Tuning Standard, so there is
good chance you could get it in a future upgrade for the other products.


🔗Manuel Op de Coul <>

8/4/2003 7:38:51 AM

Carl wrote:
>Manuel, you're welcome to put it in "pub" at
>(anonymous). I can move it to whatever path you want.

Thanks, it's in "incoming", you could move it to "pub" and
let it be there until the real release.


🔗Paul Erlich <perlich@...>

8/4/2003 9:20:57 AM

--- In, "Jonathan M. Szanto"
<JSZANTO@A...> wrote:

> I see. I don't know who the moderator of tuning_files is, but
either they
> need to remove some files or people have been downloading a lot -
when I
> tried to dl the new Scala, Yahoo refused.

there are a lot of moderators, including yourself! also, there is
over 7000K of space available in the files folder of tuning_files.

🔗Carl Lumma <ekin@...>

8/4/2003 1:47:04 PM

>>Manuel, you're welcome to put it in "pub" at
>>(anonymous). I can move it to whatever path you want.
>Thanks, it's in "incoming", you could move it to "pub" and
>let it be there until the real release.



🔗Jonathan M. Szanto <JSZANTO@...>

8/4/2003 1:43:17 PM


{you wrote...}
>there are a lot of moderators, including yourself!

I am??? No one asked me!

>also, there is over 7000K of space available in the files folder of >tuning_files.

It's not how much is stored, but apparently Yahoo has a limit on the bandwidth of downloading. So if there was a 1mb file that was getting downloaded over and over, they'd put a clamp on it, which is what I ran into. Don't know if it was a fluke or not, but I couldn't get the new Scala version.

But I will, at some point...


🔗Jonathan M. Szanto <JSZANTO@...>

8/4/2003 1:48:47 PM


{you wrote...}

Excellent, thanks Carl. I sure wish Manuel would append version numbers to the setup files... :)


🔗Carl Lumma <ekin@...>

8/4/2003 2:09:51 PM

>{you wrote...}
>Excellent, thanks Carl. I sure wish Manuel would append
>version numbers to the setup files... :)

Yeah, me too.


🔗Gene Ward Smith <gwsmith@...>

8/5/2003 11:53:10 PM

--- In, "Jonathan M. Szanto"
<JSZANTO@A...> wrote:
> P,
> {you wrote...}
> >there are a lot of moderators, including yourself!
> I am??? No one asked me!

Paul started the don't ask, don't tell tradition of choosing owners
and moderators on tuning-math, and it seems to work there. It would
be nice to have an actual owner and co-moderator on tuning. The
situation there is troubling.

🔗Jonathan M. Szanto <JSZANTO@...>

8/6/2003 12:03:38 AM


{you wrote...}
>--- In, "Jonathan M. Szanto"
> > I am??? No one asked me!
>Paul started the don't ask, don't tell tradition of choosing owners and >moderators on tuning-math, and it seems to work there.

I find it bizarre to be a moderator of a list that I don't actually use. It doesn't bother me, but I find it bizarre.

>It would be nice to have an actual owner and co-moderator on tuning. The >situation there is troubling.

Not for me anymore...
