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Making a Midi file from MidiCode:

🔗jnagy2002 <jnagy2002@...>

5/26/2003 4:51:54 PM

Hi All,

I am able to listen to Bach's "Minuet in G" in 7 et. It sounds
logical but less harmomious and a little spooky. How can I turn the
output from midtcode into a midi file I can post? Will midiox or FTS

Best wishes,

🔗Gene Ward Smith <gwsmith@...>

5/26/2003 6:01:29 PM

--- In, "jnagy2002" <jnagy2002@y...>
> Hi All,
> I am able to listen to Bach's "Minuet in G" in 7 et. It sounds
> logical but less harmomious and a little spooky. How can I turn
> output from midtcode into a midi file I can post? Will midiox or
> work?

I'd recommend using Scala for this kind of thing. Save the scale I
posted, load it into Scala, go to the "retune midi file" command
which is in a menu bar, reset the 1/1 to G instead of C if you like,
and retune away.

For an alternative to Bach, I've put up a retuning of Joplin's Maple
Leaf Rag. Jon will be happy to know it's a lot smaller than the Bach.

🔗Jon Szanto <JSZANTO@...>

5/26/2003 9:02:07 PM

--- In, "Gene Ward Smith" <gwsmith@s...> wrote:
> For an alternative to Bach, I've put up a retuning of Joplin's Maple
> Leaf Rag. Jon will be happy to know it's a lot smaller than the Bach.

For the record, Jon's happiness is rarely, if ever, dependent on the activities on the various fora. :)

I've downloaded the files, but my caveat is always the same: I rarely care for music that has been retuned to something else simply for the exercise of retuning. But I like to be open, as well...


🔗jnagy2002 <jnagy2002@...>

5/27/2003 12:05:01 AM

--- In, "Gene Ward Smith"
<gwsmith@s...> wrote:
> --- In, "jnagy2002" <jnagy2002@y...>
> wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I am able to listen to Bach's "Minuet in G" in 7 et. It sounds
> > logical but less harmomious and a little spooky. How can I turn
> the
> > output from midtcode into a midi file I can post? Will midiox or
> > work?
> I'd recommend using Scala for this kind of thing. Save the scale I
> posted, load it into Scala, go to the "retune midi file" command
> which is in a menu bar, reset the 1/1 to G instead of C if you
> and retune away.
> For an alternative to Bach, I've put up a retuning of Joplin's
> Leaf Rag. Jon will be happy to know it's a lot smaller than the


equal 14
delete 13
delete 7

is also interesting.
