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Strange Times

🔗Robert Walker <robertwalker@...>

4/5/2003 4:02:15 PM

HI there,

Just done a new piece called Strange Times
- improvisation. Idea for it was to
use ratios with all the numbers involved
odd, and to use a clarinet as the voice
because it has only odd partials

The scale is

21/19 11/9 9/7 7/5 3/2 5/3 11/6 2/1

Played on the koto and clarinet voices of
my SB Live!, with its metallic room 1
reverb at 50%.

(1.5 MB)

I suppose it is probably meant to evoke
how terrifying it must be to be an ordinary
citizen in Baghdad today.


🔗Robert Walker <robertwalker@...>

4/9/2003 11:09:22 PM

JUst to say my track is now up at for those
who find streaming easier.

Also, to say, it is out of sympathy for residents in
Baghdad, and I hope no-one takes it as criticism
of the invading forces particularly - I don't understand
the politics there enough to understand what is goin
on at all - pacifist myself. Does rather seem like
tilting at windmills somehow though from a point of view
of someone who is really rather politically unaware
I must say :-).

But htink what an awful time they must be going through,
bombs falling on your home city, even if you maybe weren't
so happy under the old regime, at least you know a bit about
how things worked, and kind of got by - while they know
very little probably about the Americans and British and
must be wary of their intentions - and it must be just
so very scary.

Don't believe the US propoganda pictures of smiling
Iraquis waving US flags - I can't imagine they
feel tht way - very few - not just overjoyed and happy abotu it
not yet anyway! Well, don't suppose many here do,
but thought this experssion of sympathy in music
might be of value somehow,

