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Re: [MMM] Another micro/VST synth

🔗Rick McGowan <rick@...>

2/20/2003 10:15:07 PM

Speaking of what's coming out these days...

Over the last few weeks I've had a lot of correspondence with Big Tick
about the new "Rhino" soft synth, and I've been blessed by access to a
couple of post-beta demos.

Rhino is really turning into a superior software synthesizer, and I'm sure
it will be my synth of choice as soon as it's released. The
controllability is very good in all parameters. Works with the same
VAZ-compatible tuning files you can make with Scala. Also seems to be
fairly compatible with the old DX7 and TX802 voices -- 6 oscillators with a
matrix that allows more configurations than the Yamaha 6-osc FM synths.
Keyboard tracking and velocity/aftertouch control is superior, and it's
tunable to 1-cent accuracy across the range.

It's well worth checking out the demo.



2/21/2003 2:03:23 AM

>Over the last few weeks I've had a lot of correspondence with Big Tick
>about the new "Rhino" soft synth, and I've been blessed by access to a
>couple of post-beta demos.
>Keyboard tracking and velocity/aftertouch control is superior, and it's
>tunable to 1-cent accuracy across the range.

Rick, could you tell Big Tick about the tuning resolution improvement
in the VAZ-compatible tuning files that the Anamark and Cronox 2.0 use?
Maybe they're not aware of it and can easily improve on the 1 cent


🔗pasport197 <pasport197@...>

11/25/2003 3:29:01 PM

> Rick, could you tell Big Tick about the tuning resolution
> in the VAZ-compatible tuning files that the Anamark and Cronox 2.0
> Maybe they're not aware of it and can easily improve on the 1 cent
> resolution.
> Manuel

Got email from Big Tick confirming that it supports enhanced
resolution too.
BTW Rhino is amazing.
Wonderfull sound, wicked synth engine.