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Re: [MMM] New Microtonal Synthesis web site

🔗Rick McGowan <rick@...>

2/17/2003 8:47:41 AM

Just went to the new...

By the way, I found on the page "Microtonal Software" the link to Fractal
Tune Smithy is either broken, or the site is offline.

Anyway, I was looking for John deLaubenfels "JI Relay" to see if there's a
new version... I guess there hasn't been an update since 1999...? Is that


🔗wallyesterpaulrus <wallyesterpaulrus@...> <wallyesterpaulrus@...>

2/17/2003 12:01:18 PM

--- In, Rick McGowan <rick@u...> wrote:
> Just went to the new...
> By the way, I found on the page "Microtonal Software" the link to
> Tune Smithy is either broken, or the site is offline.
> Anyway, I was looking for John deLaubenfels "JI Relay" to see if
there's a
> new version... I guess there hasn't been an update since 1999...?
Is that
> right?
> Rick

i believe that's correct -- after 1999, john (partially due to my
influence) was much more concerned with non-real-time retuning, since
it can offer audibly superior results by "looking ahead" in making
its retuning choices. unfortunately, many different websites around
show john's site in different stages of development -- the most
recent one i could find can be reached by going to the "links" folder
of the tuning list . . .

🔗Rick McGowan <rick@...>

2/17/2003 12:19:31 PM

Thanks, Wallyester.

> the most recent one i could find can be reached by going
> to the "links" folder of the tuning list . . .

That link from tuning at Yahoo gets me to the same page as the most recent
one that I found.

Too bad John's giving up on the real-time re-tuning. I think it's one of
the most significant developments of the past few years. And as far as I
know, JI Relay is the only program that does it; and I can't find enough
info on the methods to suit my curiosity.

I keep wondering why nobody else is picking up the torch for real-time
adaptive tuning. Or am I missing some current and/or better work?

In other news... Over the past week or so, I've been reading Sethares
"Tuning, Timbre, Spectrum, Scale". (I've had it for quite a while, and it
finally reached the top of my pile of stuff to read!) Sethares has written
a good book, packed with lots of interesting info. I think it's really
applicable to working musicians/composers, and most of it is quite
