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HI everyone

🔗Robert Walker <robertwalker@...>

10/24/2002 7:45:19 PM

Hi Jon,

Just to say hello to everyone as I haven't posted here for a while (though posted a bit to the
main TL).

I've been really pre-occupied with coding since June, and doing less and less in the way of
improvising and composing recently. But will surely be coming back to it - this is just a stage
when I particularly need to get things underway in the way of the software side of things.

Main thing I do in the way of music making right now actually is that I just go out into the
fields and woods and play and improvise amongst the bird song, trees rustling, helpicopters
and distant traffic etc. Do enjoy that a lot. Perhaps I wonder, it may help one
to play in a more flowing fashion.

Mainly practicing my Van Eyck pieces, or improvising, usually pretty much
pentatonic / diatonic with a few accidentals, but sometimes a bit microtonal with narrow minor
thirds say, or tiny fraction of a semitone intervals.

Recorder doesn't have many partials to help one with landmarks. and I'm not one of those
who can analyse and hear an interval on hearing it as so many cents values, and have
no instrument or computer at hand to measure it with, so no idea really what I play that way,
but enjoy it anyway.

Sometimes passers by (very occasionally since I like to play in little frequented parts of the
woods) say they enjoy my playing. Some time I'd like to try recording some tunes played
out of doors in some wood somewhere with nice acoustics, and the birds singing and so forth.

I think I'd quite like it if I went out for a walk and came across someone practicing an
instrument away in the middle of nowhere, so hope they do to. Surprised no-one else
seems to do it (here anyway) as the out of doors acoustics can sometimes be quite stunning!


Did do more tests on the Roland Sound Canvas, - it is a bit strange as it seems to only have
one cent accuracy - but the voices are repeated single waves most of them, with a bit of residual
vibrato to give them some life I suppose. They sound surprisingly good actually, to my ear.

Anyway one wonders why it should be restricted to one cent accuracy - surely you could
just do them to as much accuracy as you like with linear stretching of the waveform.
if they are like that. But one cent is fine to start to explore microtonal intervals and to enjoy
them, so I recommend it, as another alternative, like the Yamaha. Doesn't vary in pitch
much from one voice to another, only by about one cent again.

I did a specturm analysis taking the recorder voice (which has no vibrato), and adding some controlled
pitch variation to it, and got identical frequency spectra to the voices with the vibrato
which I think strongly suggest that is indeed what causes those extra spikes on those ones.
