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Re: [MMM] Software for writing original music?

🔗George Zelenz <ploo@...>

9/24/2002 4:28:16 PM

Cubasis for 70 bux can't be beat.

electricwally77 wrote:

> HI
> Please help me decide on what software to use for digital/midi/audio
> recording. I'm somewhat new to this field but would appreciate any
> input.
> I've been a guitarist since 1973 and would like to create my own home
> studio. My first decision is what software to use. The top guns out
> there seem to be Logic, Pro Tools, Cubase, PowerTracks Pro Audio and
> Cakewalk.
> Can anyone give me advice? I understand PowerTracks is only $29 and
> its received great reviews as oppose to the others which cost
> hundreds of dollars.
> Also, when I decide to write in alternate tunings such as JI will
> these programs allow me to do this?
> I guess what I'm trying to say is, where do I start?
> Thanks
> Wally
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