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Re: Hard drive this

🔗Joel Rodrigues <joelrodrigues@...>

7/26/2002 3:05:10 AM

On Wednesday, July 24, 2002, at 03:38 , wrote:

> Stan Hoffman <stanhoffman@...>

> On 7/23/02 1:30 AM, X. J. Scott at xjscott@... wrote:
>> * How big is the drive? The ideal scenario is that you have
>> created multiple partitions and you have one partitions ONLY
>> FOR AUDIO FILES. Actully, if you do this you don't need to do
>> the defrag. Just backup your audio files for each song and
>> keep that partition fresh. Having a smaller partition will
>> also seriously reduce your seek time on the disk which is a
>> big help for audio.
> How do you partition a drive on a Mac?
> Clueless in Cambridge

Dear Clueless,

Jeff's right, partitioning your drive WILL ERASE EVERYTHING ON IT ! What kind of Mac do you have ? I've got G3 233MHz Desktop. I used to run OS 8.1, now it's 9.2.1 & 10.1.4 (upgrading to 9.2.2 & 10.1.5 tomorrow). In any case partitioning is dead easy, and I've always had my drive partitioned - it's a potentially good thing to do. To this day I have never seen anything that is easier to do in Windows than on a Mac, even now with the Unix OS X !

In OS X use Disk Utility. See the help which is pretty simple :
Partitioning a hard disk divides it into sections, each of which works like a separate disk. You can set access privileges to partitions to prevent modification of data. You can also install a different version of the Mac OS on different partitions. Open Disk Utility, click Partition, and select the disk to partition. Choose partition settings, then click OK.
WARNING: Partitioning a disk erases the existing information on it.

In OS 9 use Drive Setup, and see the Drive Setup help.

Repartitioning without erasing your drive is very risky and is only possible using 3rd party utilities. It is NOT recommended ! In fact I'll be repartitioning my 4 GB drive this weekend from 2+1+1 to 2.4+.8+.8.

I know I'm a bit late responding to this and it looks like Jeff's helping you sort things out. Good luck, Stan !

- Joel