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Fwd: Need help making Gigastudio microtonal-friendly

🔗jonszanto <JSZANTO@...>

6/19/2002 9:34:36 PM


I'm forwarding this from the main list. Chris will probably be stopping by, so I'll let him do the honors of introduction, but if anyone can shed light on his issues, please post to the list...

--- In tuning@y..., "fromtherealmoftheshadow" <fromtherealmoftheshadow@y...> wrote:
Gigastudio has an incredible sound sample library, and the new
Version 3 may become microntonal-friendly! Currently, retuning the
samples microtonally is extremely time consuming (300,000 manual
operations to retune a single string library, for example). They're
working on version 3 now, and I've asked them to make it possible to
create templates into which exisiting sound libraries can just be
poured into automatically for retuning.

Please, if this possibility interests you, e-mail custser3@t...
very soon and tell them that you work with [ethnic, music,
microtonal] music and are considering buying Gigastudio but want to
know if it is easy to retune samples automatically from their sound
libraries! If they add this feature, I honestly believe this will be
an incredibly rich source of musical inspiration for microntonalists
of all stripes.

Thanks in advance for your help,
Chris Mohr

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