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Re: [MMM] vaz- -scala revisited

🔗Rick McGowan <rick@...>

6/4/2002 10:52:10 PM

booeyschewey wrote:

> I checked and I have version 2.05 of scala running on win2k. FOr some
> reason vaz isn't list under the set synth category (under options)
> Where is it?

I'm runing Scala 2.05b.

On the main window of Scala, see the "Opts" button, with a picture of a
hammer on it. Bring up the Opts panel by clicking the hammer.

On the Opts panel, click on the tab labelled "Midi". Look for the text
field "Synthesizer tuning option (SEND)". The value for VAZ is the very
last thing in the pop-up list (#112).



6/5/2002 2:58:48 AM


So yes you need to upgrade for VAZ, it was
added only recently. The XG problem was fixed in
2.04 so for that 2.05 is ok. Can you try sending
the midi file with the dump with other players?
Try with Megamid and opening the midi file from within.
Also you can try the Windows Media Player, or
a sequencer.
