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Aron Kallay's September 30th Recital in the Indianapolis Metro Area

🔗Chris Vaisvil <chrisvaisvil@...>

8/2/2012 7:29:57 PM

Hello fellow microtonal composers and authors - we need your help!

On September 30th Untwelve will be hosting a
microtonal piano recital by pianist/composer Dr. Aron Kallay in Fishers
Indiana, just outside of Indianapolis.

Hamilton East Public Library
Fishers Library Branch
Five Municipal Drive
Fishers, IN 46038

This microtonal music outreach recital serves two purposes: to promote Aron
Kallay and microtonal music to the general public and a fundraiser for
Untwelve. Admission to the public will be free. In exchange for the free
admission we are receiving a large amount of TV, radio, press, and internet
advertizement in the central Indiana area. In order to raise money we will
be asking for donations and selling** CDs.

We are asking our community for submissions of high quality microtonal
music or microtonal books to be sold at the recital. All proceeds will go
to Untwelve - all recognition from the sale will go to the composers /
authors who contributed. While submissions of physical media would be
totally awesome you can also submit mp3 / wav / flac / PDFs and we will
package them into CD-Rs with light-scribe labels for sale at the event. We
will put a link in the CD-R package to a webpage that will point to
explanatory text or if you prefer a link to your web presence. Due to
practical considerations submission doesn't guarantee use of your material
though we will consider every work submitted and may use it, with your
permission, at a future event. Also, you must *explicitly* give Un12 the
right to use your submission for fundraisers.

We are also actively pursuing additional dates for Dr. Kallay in Urbana,
Chicago, and Boston.

Some links to Aron Kally's work follows:

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