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AFMM American Exceptionalism on Sept 22 in NYC

🔗Johnny Reinhard <Afmmjr@...>

6/19/2012 7:09:06 AM

AFMM in NYC Sat at 8PM on September 22, 2012
(Church of St. Luke in the Fields - 487 Hudson - in Greenwich Village)

Toby Twining: Chromatic Septet
John Eaton: Ad Lucian Beatricem
Skip LaPlante: Thoreau
Michael Vincent Waller: L’Autunno Sta Arrivando
Johnny Reinhard: Alice in Wonderland

Featuring Rob Schwimmer, Stefani Starin, Todd Brunel,
Sara Schoenbeck, Toby Twining, Joshua Morris, Sharon Harms

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