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A Review of the album “effluve ana moontense” by Jacob A. Barton

🔗Chris Vaisvil <chrisvaisvil@...>

4/13/2012 6:32:00 PM

A Review of the album �*effluve ana moontense*� by Jacob A. Barton

Jacob Barton�s album consists of 3 tracks plus a bonus track. In addition
there is a pedagogical aspect because the album includes scores plus midi
files to allow the listener to delve into the compositions in great depth.
The addition of the pedagogical materials is a reflection of the composer�s
desire to make microtonal music and composition accessible to others beyond
the more generalized technical notes found on many microtonal albums. Of
course, besides a teaching tool, �effluve ana moontense� is presented as
music for listening and perception of art. The following review will try to
touch upon all of these aspects and provide the reader with an impression
of work.


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