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Ernie's Shuffle on Ten #12 up on Soundcloud

🔗prentrodgers <prentrodgers@...>

3/18/2012 3:34:56 PM

I posted a final version of a recent piece, Ernie's Shuffle on Ten up on Soundcloud:

It's the 12th pass through the algorithm. Tuning is based on ratios with 10 in the demonominator:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1
1:1 21:20 11:10 6:5 13:10 7:5 3:2 8:5 9:5 28:15 2:1

That 28:15 is needed to get a decent 3:2 to the 6:5. Most of the chords are fourth chords, on this scale. Some are sweet, others harsh and one is weird. Those are not technical terms.

chord bass character
169482 1 sweet start
26A482 2 tense
371489 4
482615 1 harsh
594826 6 harsh
615948 1 harsh
716A58 1 weird
826149 8 sweet
948269 9 sweet
A59482 5 challenge
169482 1 sweet start

It's scored for some samples I made of a set of Ernie Ball Super Slinky guitar strings, plus finger piano, balloon drums, tube drums, oboes, french horns, and bassoons. Rhythm is 2 + 3 + 2 = 7, bundled five at a time into 35 beat measures. I stay in one key longer if it sounds good, move more quickly to the next if it's too challenging for my ears. At a few points I alter the rhythm from 7 to 6 beats, more like changing the tempo, and then back again.

Prent Rodgers