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The Lament of Saint Patrick’s Snakes

🔗Chris Vaisvil <chrisvaisvil@...>

3/16/2012 7:38:26 PM

The Lament of Saint Patrick’s Snakes is an ambient piece using a home made
instrument of six guitar strings stretched over a 28″ by 3″ by 1/2″ oak
board tuned with zither pins by ear to a JI open chord. The instrument is
then bowed with a viola bow, ebow, and strummed while the pitch is modified
with a steel guitar slide, recorded in Sonar X1 with a liberal helping of
effects. The pickups are two AXL piezo pickups clamped to the instrument
top and bottom at the bowed end (not shown). The black strips are magnetic
– the instrument was originally an experiment in creating an adjustable
fret stick guitar.

pictures of the instrument and online play


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