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changing drone with bell-improv, 87edo with changing transpositions

🔗calebmrgn <calebmrgn@...>

3/2/2012 6:30:45 AM

This is somewhat crude, and certainly boring as a 9-minute piece.

But I'm including it because the harmonies mostly sound ok, and it embodies the basic concept: High-register drones are re-harmonized -- hopefully a little obliquely.

The bells are EXS24 instruments with the pitch-bend set to +-12. This turns out to be a good way of working for me, and surprisingly, it's accurate enough for my purposes.

In a more advanced version of this piece, the pitch-bend changes will be disguised, but here you can hear them.

The improv is heavy on 3-7-9-11-13 motives, and I'm trying to avoid too obvious extended dominant seventh chords.