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And I Became One With My Pet Fungi

🔗Chris Vaisvil <chrisvaisvil@...>

10/15/2011 11:18:37 AM

There is a very unusual TED talk given by Jae Rhim Lee about green burial.
The short of the story is that she is creating a burial garment spiked with
mushroom spores to decompose her body and break down the pollutants her body
concentrated while she was living - like bisphenol-a for example.

While working on this post-processed 17 note per octave guitar piece her
talk came to mind and I find some association between the two.

Details, online play of my music as well as the TED talk can be found here:

direct download here:

I hope you have a great day!!


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]