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Solo Flute Performance Competition & updated website

🔗Harold <harold@...>

9/8/2011 8:14:28 PM

Ladies & Gentlemen,

Sorry this is quite off-topic, and the piece is admittedly non-microtonal.

Nonetheless, I want to get the word out, since a number of you have met me and respect my music...
You can also note that I've spiffed up my site and improved the links a bit. Just start from

All the microtonal excerpts should now be available as they were back in the Geocities days..
I am pleased to announce the
Fortuitous Artists 2011 Competition for Solo Flute Performance
described in detail at

Please forward this message to any flute player in a degree program who might be interested and capable of
performing There for solo flute by me (score can be downloaded from the site).

Competition deadline (submission by e-mail + attachment): 11/11/11

Harold Fortuin