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2 newish pieces

🔗calebmrgn <calebmrgn@...>

8/22/2011 8:42:35 AM

The two pieces are:

1) Herter Norton (bare)

2) Elusive Mr. Moy

Each has .mp3 and .aif versions. Available for listen or download at link, above, along with a bunch of other stuff.

Both are around seven minutes each. They were made with Logic Pro 8, using the EXS sampler instruments tuned to a 36-pitch subset of 87 EDO -- using Lil' Miss Scale Oven. (yay). Both are attempts at realizing my long-standing obsession with the idea of using a self-similar series to make a piece, but to different effects. Neither are particularly microtonal-sounding. I intend to try some more microtonal-sounding pieces once I've worked through the self-similarity idea to my own satisfaction, but whether that will take months or years I don't know.

"Herter Norton" has my friend Kerry talking about and reading a Rilke poem. "The Elusive Mr. Moy" sounds like it might be background music for a short mystery/suspense film.

🔗Caleb Morgan <calebmrgn@...>

8/23/2011 9:19:32 AM

Sorry, people.
This *should* be the correct link.  If it's not, another email to follow.


--- On Mon, 8/22/11, calebmrgn <calebmrgn@...> wrote:

From: calebmrgn <calebmrgn@...>
Subject: [MMM] 2 newish pieces
Date: Monday, August 22, 2011, 11:42 AM

The two pieces are:

1) Herter Norton (bare)

2) Elusive Mr. Moy

Each has .mp3 and .aif versions. Available for listen or download at link, above, along with a bunch of other stuff.

Both are around seven minutes each. They were made with Logic Pro 8, using the EXS sampler instruments tuned to a 36-pitch subset of 87 EDO -- using Lil' Miss Scale Oven. (yay). Both are attempts at realizing my long-standing obsession with the idea of using a self-similar series to make a piece, but to different effects. Neither are particularly microtonal-sounding. I intend to try some more microtonal-sounding pieces once I've worked through the self-similarity idea to my own satisfaction, but whether that will take months or years I don't know.

"Herter Norton" has my friend Kerry talking about and reading a Rilke poem. "The Elusive Mr. Moy" sounds like it might be background music for a short mystery/suspense film.

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