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The Fragile Teleportation of Jukka-Pekka

🔗Chris Vaisvil <chrisvaisvil@...>

8/19/2011 11:49:46 AM

Been a while since I did a mashup for ImprovFriday

A mashup of microtonally processed music created by Jukka-Pekka Kervinen
called imp_08_1 with video and video sound tracks by Chris Vaisvil.

What I did to process Jukka's music microtonally is used the harmonic
series filter on Jukka's piece at 100, 300, 500, and 700 hz with 10
overtones allowed for each frequency at a bandwidth of 25 cents.

Additionally I did a 2 octave down transformation of the ooriginal and
filtered out anything over 2000 Hz

Video, music online play, download of music, original Jukka-Pekka music and
download of video

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