Since Chris Vaisvil has recently mentioned the great job done on his guitar, I thought I'd mention that I recently received my Seagull guitar back from Ron Sword. He converted it to 17edo. Really nice job done. He selected some nice wood for the fretboard that matched the guitar well and the new fretboard matches up with the existing neck really well. I am quite happy with his work. He periodically sent me emails informing of progress without me having to "prod" him. If I get time, I may post some pictures somewhere, but since I live in the tornado torn area of north Alabama, and trying to get back to normal life here, it may be awhile before I get to it.
Now, I need to figure out what to do with 17edo!
Great you had an excellent experience with Ron -
When I deal with him he said he wasn't going to be doing any more
conversions for other people - I'm glad he changed his mind.
The more places to get microtonal guitars the better.
On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 8:46 AM, <jrinkel@...> wrote:
> Since Chris Vaisvil has recently mentioned the great job done on his
> guitar, I thought I'd mention that I recently received my Seagull
> guitar back from Ron Sword. He converted it to 17edo. Really nice
> job done. He selected some nice wood for the fretboard that matched
> the guitar well and the new fretboard matches up with the existing
> neck really well. I am quite happy with his work. He periodically
> sent me emails informing of progress without me having to "prod" him.
> If I get time, I may post some pictures somewhere, but since I live in
> the tornado torn area of north Alabama, and trying to get back to
> normal life here, it may be awhile before I get to it.
> Now, I need to figure out what to do with 17edo!
> Jay
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
--- In, jrinkel@... wrote:
> Since Chris Vaisvil has recently mentioned the great job done on his
> guitar, I thought I'd mention that I recently received my Seagull
> guitar back from Ron Sword. He converted it to 17edo. Really nice
> job done. He selected some nice wood for the fretboard that matched
> the guitar well and the new fretboard matches up with the existing
> neck really well. I am quite happy with his work. He periodically
> sent me emails informing of progress without me having to "prod" him.
> If I get time, I may post some pictures somewhere, but since I live in
> the tornado torn area of north Alabama, and trying to get back to
> normal life here, it may be awhile before I get to it.
> Now, I need to figure out what to do with 17edo!
> Jay
Well, if you need some ideas, you can read my 17-tone paper:
and listen to a fragment of a piece I started some time ago, which is based on the improvisation referred to on page 77:
Thank you George
I don't believe I read your paper yet.
On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 2:40 PM, gdsecor <gdsecor@...> wrote:
> Well, if you need some ideas, you can read my 17-tone paper:
> and listen to a fragment of a piece I started some time ago, which is based
> on the improvisation referred to on page 77:
> --George
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]