I mention this post I did to the Csound list for any interested parties:
...it's regarding a FLTK-GUI 3 oscillator FM instrument I wrote (meant to be
run realtime with MIDI), a work in progress. Has a
modulation/feedback/cross-mod matrix (alá Sytrus), great sounds are coming
out of it for me. See the post above for my working list of TODOs, but if
you want to have a little fun tonight, have at it. It's really addictive.
I meantion it here, too, b/c in Csound you have (of course) infinite tuning
and tuning tables flexibility. I have a little Python command line utility
to change .scl files into a Csound f-table format for use by csound's MIDI
tuning-table 'cpstmid' opcode. Of course, I think Scala also does this type
of thing already....so, all you'd have to do is plug that table into the
<CsScore> section of the .csd file and change the reference to 'cpsmidi' in
the <CsInstruments> section code to 'cpstmid' plus the table number (make
sure it isn't used already in the score). This page explains the opcode:
http://www.csounds.com/manual/html/cpstmid.html in the meantime, but future
versions of this synth will perhaps have an array of preloaded fun scales an
a GUI switch for immediately calling them.
Aaron Krister Johnson
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