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Fw: [MMM] Re: Finally...the "good" Dimension^2 scale SCALA file

🔗Michael <djtrancendance@...>

1/9/2011 8:16:32 AM

Ozan>"It would be irrelevant if the statistical arguments were not backed by
toxicity analysis on the fish. That is hard science."

----------------------------THE BELOW (AGAIN) IS MY SPECIFIC TESTING
Right, and my equivalent to "Toxicity Analysis" includes the following
A) Hard numeric measurement of EVERY SINGLE POSSIBLE DYAD in each mode of my
scale to a fixed list of desirable dyads (dyads gathered from suggestions by
people like Igs and Cameron)
B) Doing so against a fixed tolerance of < 8 cents (suggested by people such as
Kraig and John).
C) Then I tested the results as chords on MMM (see the Dimension scale dyads
example in my folder) and asked people to listen.

D) Then I made songs with the Dimension scale and again asked people to listen
and rate them.

E) Then I asked Igs, Chris, and others to try composing with the scale and tell
me what they think and what problems they found along the way.

At ALL points of the process...I asked for input from OTHER PEOPLE and did NOT
simply stick with my own assumptions without outside input. Now if you think I
could have found a better WAY to ask them or get parameters, for example, please
say so and how!
Now why does that fail to count to you as specifics?! Or what would Ozan do
(if he were me) as a test that would qualify as specific or enough?

You've given your complaints either give a fair alternative
to me...or simply be a hypocrit and don't help at all. If you want to criticize
my need to say specifically what's missing in testing, not give
some grandiose complaints IE say it's "psuedoscience" while never even
bothering to reference a single part of method I used to actually test my scale
in your explanation of WHY you think it's psuedoscience.

If you want to disprove me, you must ALSO give specific examples...and from
what I've SAID my research has been, not what you "guess" my research has

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]