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gfax library, tuning math & etc


11/7/2010 6:53:49 AM

Hey all,

I've tried to access the documents at the gfax library but get a message
that the server couldn't be found. I'm using a PC with Firefox, so if
this is my problem would someone smarter give me a heads-up?

As to the topic of tuning math, I can freely admit to being pretty
ignorant. I never got beyond college algebra (my daughter is taking
courses in trig, which astounds me no end) so lots of the math just
flies over my flat skull; I eventually left that list because I couldn't
keep up with most of the discussions there, nor as a composer (you can
laugh here, 'cause I do) extract much in the way of understanding the
viability of tunings/theories proposed. This is NOT a rant against
theories or math, only an explanation: that my lack of understanding
stems from my own particular intellectual failings.

[ I used to give Gene Ward Smith a friendly chain-yank about math now &
then; I miss him and wish him well, whatever he is doing now.]

Thus, my best recourse is to *hear* any given tuning in the flesh, as it
were. Cases in point: I am working on pieces in 7 ET, 19 ET, 9-out-of-26
ET, and a diatonic just-tuning with neutral seconds. Some here recall
that I used Orion Pro frequently, which is a pattern-based sequencer
(more or less); so I input a bass or chord sequence and simply work
onward from there. I *listen* for pitch combinations that make musical
sense & are aesthetically satisfying, based upon -- but not restricted
to -- my own prejudiced leanings toward 5-limit diatonic harmony.

It's taking a bit longer to finish these pieces & post them, due to
recent work schedule changes (and other things), but I'll alert everyone
when I *do* complete them -- for those with a morbid curiosity about
such things...
