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Intervals of the "New quarter-tone scale" of Giancarlo Dalmonte

🔗Giancarlo DALMONTE <giancarlodalmonte@...>

11/2/2010 2:19:48 AM

Hello Hans.
Since you've been so kind as to put the link to my scale at:
I ask you to correct its name to
"New quarter-tone scale"

My musical notations for the accidents are "^ (up)" and "v (down)." For their annulment I use the ᅵ symbol (tiny zero).

At this point I ask for clarification. I do not understand the logic of the sequence written on the side of my scale (4 4 2 4 1 3 4 2). Can you explain its meaning?
I thought of two different criteria: a) intervals, or b) notation.

a) If the sequence numbers refers at the interval (i.e. the quarter-tone between one note and the next), then, in my opinion, this is the correct sequence: 1 4 4 2 4 4 4 1.

My scale, in fact, from the tonic (0), goes like this:
1 (first high) octave high;
2 minor second, 3 neutral second, 4 major second, 5 second maximum (super major);
6 minor third, 7 neutral third, 8 major third, 9 maximum third (low fourth);
10 (right) fourth, 11 high fourth;
12 diminished fifth, 13 low fifth, 14 (right) fifth, 15 high fifth;
16 (exceeding fifth) minor sixth, 17 neutral sixth, 18 major sixth, 19 maximum sixth;
20 minor seventh, 21 neutral seventh, 22 major seventh, 23 maximum seventh (low octave);
24 (right) octave.
So, to sum up: 1 4 4 2 4 4 4 1.

b) If it refers to notation, then my scale would be represented by this sequence of numbers:
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3.
Every note, in fact, is named after three sounds. Here it is:
C, C^, Dv, D, D^, Ev, E, E^, Fv, F, F^, Gv, G, G^, Hv, H, H^, Av, A, A^, Bv, B, B^, Cv, (C)

Thanks. Sincerely.
Giancarlo Dalmonte