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Bridgeport 1

🔗christopherv <chrisvaisvil@...>

2/22/2010 6:16:11 AM

I have been playing with this for about 2 weeks and seem to have come to an impasse.
This is a very quirky strange piece - it sounds childish and immature in a way.
Reminds me in a very abstract way of the sounds of my neighborhood recorded
on my dad's monaural tape recorder recorded and played back at full amplification.

Garritan Personal Orchestra in 22 edo

brass, woodwind, strings, percussion, choir

Year: 2010

brave new world

Artist's description:
Orchestral piece in 22 edo - minimalistic and seems best on headphones

Not done yet - but I can't move past at this point.
Part of a planned series examining my childhood aural memories.

Chicago's Bridgeport neighborhood