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Prelude in 18 ET

🔗christopherv <chrisvaisvil@...>

10/19/2009 6:51:27 PM

I explored 18 ET a little more.

This prelude has decidedly Debussian whole tone passages. Sorry about that. But all 3 whole tone scales are used. Pianoteq 3.0, M-audio Keystation 88es

Comments welcome - give it a minute to get going.



🔗Carl Lumma <carl@...>

10/22/2009 12:55:22 AM

At 06:51 PM 10/19/2009, Chris wrote:
>I explored 18 ET a little more.
>This prelude has decidedly Debussian whole tone passages. Sorry about
>that. But all 3 whole tone scales are used. Pianoteq 3.0, M-audio
>Keystation 88es
>Comments welcome - give it a minute to get going.

Just got a chance to listen. I like this, and think it is an
improvement over some of your other recent microtonal work.
There are some nice ideas here and I bet you could play it
again and clean up a few of the improv hesitations. You seem
to have a good feel for wholetones. :)
