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"spheres" of various -tets; and aurally sensible set theory

🔗Christopher Bailey <cb202@...>

2/16/2002 1:17:03 PM

I believe the word "sphere" is equal to Allen Forte's term "set-class".

I.e. 037 in 12-tet is in the same "set-class" as 047, since they are
related by inversion.

As a composer working with set-theory tools, I tend to have problems with
notions of sets being "equivalent" to their inversions. I also think that
the issue of "What's in the bass", i.e. "inversion" in the tonal-music
sense of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc., is much too much glossed over in set theory
studies in general; when it is in fact, very important to the SOUND of the
music. Of course, these thoughts will not be anything new to most folks
on this list.

Hence, I am writing a piece in 19-tet, which uses as a harmonic "basic
unit", the sets

0 3 6 11 13 16 = C D E G Ab Bb or transpositions
0 3 6 11 12 16 = C D E G G# Bb " "
0 3 6 11 12 15 = C D E G G# A# " "

These three sets, are, I think, auditorally far more related to one
another (sounding as "tweaked" versions of one another, and of the 12-tet
set 0 2 4 7 8 10) than they are, in sound, to their "inversions", in the
set-theory sense. (for example, 0 3 5 10 13 16)

So I set some rules for myself in my piece: never use these sets in the
set-theoretical inversion, and, as much as possible, use the sets in "root
position."---i.e. with "0" at the bottom, in the bass. . .

I am very much after a kind of general "sound" being attached to my piece,
and that sound would be derived from the Just Intonation chord


Hence, it seems that the "8" should be in the bass as much as possible.

At some point, I'll post some pretty jpeg examples of all this.. . .


🔗genewardsmith <genewardsmith@...>

2/16/2002 2:11:37 PM

--- In MakeMicroMusic@y..., Christopher Bailey <cb202@c...> wrote:

> As a composer working with set-theory tools, I tend to have problems with
> notions of sets being "equivalent" to their inversions. I also think that
> the issue of "What's in the bass", i.e. "inversion" in the tonal-music
> sense of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc., is much too much glossed over in set theory
> studies in general; when it is in fact, very important to the SOUND of the
> music. Of course, these thoughts will not be anything new to most folks
> on this list.

Ouch! I wish theorists hadn't taken to calling this stuff "set theory", since it certainly isn't what mathematicians call set theory. Combinatorics and group theory is more like it.

🔗Jonathan M. Szanto <JSZANTO@...>

2/16/2002 2:57:02 PM


{you wrote...}
>Ouch! I wish theorists hadn't taken to calling this stuff "set theory"...

And I thought "set theory" was to attempt to win 3 out of 5 of them in Men's Singles... :)
