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charles ives influence today

🔗dasdasdva <dasdasdva@...>

3/18/2009 8:25:42 PM

Wow, I was just a few minutes ago listening to Ives' Fourth of July, which though I've I heard a hundred times before and wasn't even a top fave of mine of his, I hadn't heard it in several years, and yet it just had me laughing out loud in tears........jesus, I sometimes forget a bit how much my music/life benefited from knowing of his music/life.......maybe it's in the waters or the woods here, but really---------->thank the Christ for Charles Ives!

FwiW,I'm going to be permanently retiring these two very Ivesian, microtonal pieces of should anyone be interested, here they are for a cau cau, "ohr vwahr":

At a Day Job------->
Based on a jumbled, and sometimes improvised, variety of American Patriotic tunes. The tuning here is a combined 10-20 and 14-28 overtone series segments notated across two octaves.

Over the Rivers--------->
A direct homage dedicated to Ives using his language a bit more obliquely (well at least compared to the last piece), but still slavishly and overtly--but hopefully ,respectfully. Anyway, the tuning here is the fearsome and dreaded 11-tone equal temperament taken mostly as a 6-out-of-11 scale.
