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March 28: Resonance, Rhyme, Rebirth

🔗Aaron Johnson <aaron@...>

3/5/2009 7:30:09 AM

UnTwelve presents a private RSVP-only event:

Resonance, Rhyme, Rebirth: A spring ritual of music & poetry

Saturday, March 28th, 7pm
Johnson residence
Evanston, IL
ask for directions upon RSVP-ing

Come and celebrate the post-equinox onset of spring
with music and poetry by candlelight. Music to include
extended improvisation on an 1886 Steinway grand
tuned to the mystical 'Centaur' tuning. Join in communal
candle-lighting at the opening and a wine glass ringing
at the close. We invite you to bring your own wine glass
to create a more energetic harmonious drone.

7 spring-themed poems will be read as interludes.
We would like to invite participants to co-create the
event with their chosen poem and reading. Please
indicate your desire to contribute to the poetry readings
in your RSVP.

Arrive at 7pm and enjoy wine, cheese & hors d'oeuvres.
Doors close at 8pm and music & poetry begins.

Seating is limited to 23.
Free, with donations to UnTwelve accepted.
First come, first served.

RSVP to aaron AATTT untwelve DAWT org

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